Cross V5.0

J�rgen Weinelt
Zur Kanzel 1
D-8783 Hammelburg

May 20 1993


Cross V5.0 is a computer aided crossword construction program (I guess ``CACC'' might be a nice acronym for that :-). It should work with any Amiga configuration if you're using at least Kickstart 2.04 (37.175). Cross should work with all memory configurations, including 512 KB. However I recommend 1 MB of RAM or more.

Currently Cross V5.0 supports four different languages: English, German, Italian and Esperanto. New translations can be added easily, because almost all the messages are collected in a single ASCII text file. I'm currently looking for additional translations.

Cross V5.0 is Freeware. You may copy it freely as long as you are not making profits that way.

Cross V5.0 is completely font sensitive and adapts to both the resoultion and color palette of your Workbench screen.